This course provides in-depth training on the foundations of Insight Meditation (also known as Mindfulness Meditation or Vipassana)
You will learn:
How to find a suitable meditation posture
How to make mindfulness meditation a part of your daily routine
What mindfulness meditation is and isn't
Recieve in depth guidance on how to be mindful of different aspects of your experience
Recieve in depth guidance on how to meet common challenges and difficulties
Reinforced learning on the key skills of mindfulness meditation practice
Individual Tuition
If you are intrested in mentorship please contact me.
Self Paced
Access anytime, anywhere. Move at your own speed. This course includes lifetime access so you can review the content at any time. Access from laptop or smartphone.
The course is divided into 6 modules which you can work through at your own pace.
Each module has 1-2 hours of learning content including guided meditations, short videos covering key topics, articles, quizzes and reflective learning.
The focus of this course is to develop an unguided sitting meditation practce- we will build up slowly to eventually develop a regular 20/30min daily practice.
It is hosted @mindfulliving.thinkific.com (Register to access the course content)
Ethan Pollock
Ethan has been facilitating mindfulness groups and retreats for over a decade. He currently teaches mindfulness and Buddhism at the nationally acclaimed Sharpham Trust, and local meditation groups around the UK. He spent 5 years studying mindfulness with renowned Zen Master Thich Nhat Hanh and has extensive personal retreat experience. His teaching helps people touch more calm and ease in their everyday lives by bringing awareness and appreciation to simple daily activities, retreatants especially love his guided meditations!