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Exploring the Buddha's Teachings


Led by:
Ethan Pollock
Online via Zoom
 Suggested Dana:
In the spirit of the Buddhist tradition you are welcome to offer an amount that feels suited to your means, whether more or less than the suggestion.

23rd October-4th December
Wednesdays 7-9pm

(Excluding 13th November-
There will also be a half day of silent practice on Sunday 10th November 10am-12.30pm)




​Have you benefited from mindfulness meditation?
Are you curious about the Buddhist traditions where these transformative practices originated?

If you’ve experienced the profound effects of mindfulness meditation and find yourself curious about the deeper teachings that gave birth to these practices, this course is designed for you.

Join us on a journey to explore the Buddha’s teachings, where mindfulness is just one of the many tools offered to help cultivate greater peace, understanding, and compassion in our lives. Whether you’re new to Buddhism or seeking to deepen your understanding, this course offers a welcoming space to learn, reflect, and grow.

What You'll Explore:

Session 1: The Buddha’s Life and Teachings:
Discover the story of the Buddha’s life and the timeless wisdom he shared. We’ll explore how he turned his back of a life of wealth and luxury to discover a path of simplicity and peace that inspired millions.

Session 2: The Goal – Enlightenment and the Four Noble Truths:
What is enlightenment? Nirvana? Awakening? We will explore the goal of Buddhist practice and investigate the Four Noble Truths, a profound roadmap for understanding the nature of suffering and the path to liberation.

Session 3: The Path – Gradual Training and the Noble Eightfold Path:
Learn about the Noble Eightfold Path, a step-by-step guide for living a life of wisdom, ethical conduct, and mental discipline. This path offers practical ways to bring more clarity and compassion into your everyday life.

Meditation Day:
Experience a half day of silent meditation practice, where you can deepen your understanding of Buddhist meditation practices in a supportive and serene environment.

Session 4: Buddhist Ethics – Precepts, Livelihood, Speech, and Action:
Explore the ethical dimensions of Buddhism, including how we can live in harmony with others through mindful speech, right livelihood, and compassionate action. This is meditation in action.

Session 5: Growing Wise – Karma, Impermanence, and Non-Self:
Delve into the core concepts of Buddhism; karma, impermanence, and non-self, and see how these teachings can lead to greater wisdom and freedom in your life.

Session 6: Open Session:
We’ll conclude with an open session to explore key questions and themes of interest to the group, allowing you to engage more deeply with the topics that resonate most with you.







This course combines guided meditation, insightful teachings, and experiential practices to help you strengthen and develop your personal practice. It’s designed to offer you not only knowledge but also practical tools to integrate Buddhist teachings into your daily life.

Each week you will be given home practice to deepen and integrate your understanding.

Numbers will be limited to between 8-15 participants to allow for a sense of community and connection with the teacher.




This course is suitable for anyone looking to deepen their understanding of key Buddhist themes- newcomers welcome!





























Ethan Pollock

Ethan has been facilitating mindfulness groups and retreats for over a decade. He spent five years training at Plum Village with the internationally recognised mindfulness teacher & Zen Master Thich Nhat Hanh. He is a qualified Mindful Self Compassion teacher. He facilitates and teaches around the UK including at the Sharpham Trust, Schumacher College, The Royal Drawing School and local groups.


Suggested Dana:


Register below :


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